Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wayang Kulit

Finally, after spending so much time thinking about my cut-out puppets, did I push myself to look up one of the most interesting forebearers of silhouette animation, the Javanese Wayang Kulit. Looking at the intricate work of the designs, cut in animal hide, I found a great inspiration for my puppets. Also, after reading a little about the great tradition, I learned it has a lot of similarities to opera, which connects it directly to Salome. Again I met briefly with Prof. Panushka and she affirmed my feeling that I am on the right track. Also, creating the world of light and texture that these silhouettes abide in will be an exciting challenge for compositing. Sophie O'hara also showed me the intriguing water puppets of Vietnam. The whole puppet theater takes place in a pool of water, with the puppets submerged as they perform. Of course, I immediately thought of Jokanaan, the prisoner and the prophet, submerged in water as he sits in the well. My research is giving my project great momentum.

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