Friday, September 14, 2007

King Herod

Building these for characters, Jokanaan, Herod, Salome, and Herodias, has felt like an eternity. I love to paint each one in gouache because it is quite relaxing. But, I feel that the momentum of the project has not taken off yet. For the last two days, I have been painting versions of Herod and Herodias. I have been looking at classic character actors like Charles Laughton (who actually played Herod in a 1930's production of Salome). This has been rewarding, especially after multiple versions, but I still feel my characters are too realistic and not stylized enough. To me, I see Herod as the fool of the play. If there is any humor in this grim tragedy, it comes from him. When I read Wilde's play, the only times I feel Wilde's true self come through is in the character of Herod. It is interesting to me that after many wonderful and scathing satires, Wilde wrote this beautiful and poetic tragedy. King Herod reflects Wilde's tradition of satire. He wears the crown, but in reality , he doesn't have as much power as he thinks he has. When he is confronted by executing an innocent man or going back on his word, he foolishly chooses his ego over justice.

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