Friday, November 23, 2007

Thesis Summary

Oscar Wilde's Salome is a play depicting a King's loss of control. Like King Lear, Herod's authority is challenged and then lost to his daughter or step-daughter in my case. To animate the play, I have been focusing on the mental state of Herod and the psychological/subjectively treated landscape he sees during the play. In a way, I have been researching different ways to illustrate his nightmarish situation through hallucinations and fearful thoughts that Herod has as his situation gets worse.

The purpose of my thesis is to recreate the mood and spectacle of the play through visual design, animation, lighting, editing, and compositing. I will also create an originally sound design for the piece, recording and manipulating sounds to echo the horrible night and the themes of the play.

As I work on this through the month of November, I am reaching the half-way point and I feel very differently about the project than I did this summer when I started it. I have a strong grasp on what the play is going to look like after months of visual development and research. I need to spend more time on what it will sound like. Also, I am very much still in pre-production. My puppets are not working yet and I am not ready for animation, because I have been focusing my time on the visual development and recording with the actors.

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